
 What is Joomla! CMS?

We build websites using Joomla, which is an award-winning content management system (CMS) that...

 How to download Joomla!

Follow the link to download Joomla!: Joomla! download

 How to install Joomla?

Follow the link to learn how to install Joomla!: Joomla! installation

 Where can I find Joomla! documentation or tutorials?

Follow the link for an online manual for Joomla!: Joomla! documentation

 Where can I find Joomla! templates?

Follow the links to find some popular commercial template providers:

 Where can I find Joomla! extensions?

Follow the link to find any of the over 7,900 extensions: Joomla! extensions

 How to update Joomla to its latest version

If you’re unaware as to why you should upgrade, then consider how much at risk your site would be...

 How to Update Joomla Extensions

In most cases updating your components, modules and plugins is an easy task. First, you need to...